Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Facebook Status....

SO many people now are addicted on updating their status every minute...
some are shallow,nonsense,and something that are not here are some quotes you can use to post as your status....hope you like it..

* As we follow where faith leads us,we find new beginnings and new life.

*God doesn't guarantee a life full of sunshine and free from storm;but what He guarantees however is His watchful eyes over us as we go through those storms..

*Commit to the Lord whatever you do,and your plans will succeed.

*When God takes something away from your grasp,He's not punishing you but merely emptying your hand for you to receive a much bigger blessing.

*Shortcomings are not the reason to give up,but a challenge to improve ourseleves.Deficiencies are not an excuse to back out but an INSPIRATION to move forward.

*God gave us strength to face our problems,not to flee from them.
Thanks to God for all the blessings...for all the strenght.


*I love you,not for what you are,but for what I am when I am with you.
*Love will endure when you keep it pure.
*Low without action is not love because love is verb.
*Love knows no reasons.Love knows no lies.Love defies all reasons.Love has no eyes.Love is not sees,but it doesn't mind. 

Actually Love is all that matters.....I love you so much bhecoh...mhwuaaaaaaa 

*Always put yourself in others shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person,too
*If you dont like where you are,then change it!You're  not a tree.
* Better a dry crust with peace and quit than a house full of feasting ,with strife.
*It's not how much you know that matters,it's how you perceive and use what you do know that makes the difference.
*Temper is what gets most of us into trouble.Pride is what keeps us there.
*We are not made rich by what is in our pockets,but what is in our hearts.
*Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.
*Contenment is not found in having everything,but in being satisfied with everything we have.
*What you hope to be like tomorrow depends on the choices you make today.
*It is better to be old-fashioned and right than to be up-to-date and wrong.
*When angry,count 10 before you speak;if very angry ,count 100.
*An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.
*Wealth is double blessing when it's used for the blessing of others.
*The sweetest revenge is to forgive.
* He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame,but whoever heeds correction is honored.
*There is no silver bullet againts self-discipline.
*Money without honor is a desease.
*It is wise to remain silent in the world of gossip.
*Never risk what you can't afford to lose.
*Never let a harsh word of condemnation fall upon the ear and heart of another soul,lest in your anger you destroy another.
*Silence at the right time is ELOQUENCE.
*Evil grows when other people do nothing about it.
*Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
*Being gentle with those who are not gentle with us is  a sign of strength ,not weakness.

Godbless to all of us... 

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